1. Dear candidate, we thank you for responding to our advertisement for recruitment in the Indian Railways.

  2. The candidate should report at the centre of examination well in advance of reporting time. Reporting time and examination time are indicated in the call letter. The candidates reporting after 10 minutes of the start of examination shall not be admitted.

  3. Your admission to examination will be subject to your producing this call letter in original before the officials-in-charge of the examination centre.

  4. Your candidature for this post is provisional and subject to your fulfilling the prescribed age, educational qualifications and other conditions as specified in our advertisement and will be verified during document verification.

  5. The candidates must fill up and darken the correct circles for their roll no., question booklet no. etc in answer sheet correctly. Wrong filling of roll no., question booklet no. and name etc will lead to disqualification.

  6. No request for change in date of examination and centre will be entertained.

  7. This call letter should be carefully retained by the candidates. Those candidates who are called for interview/verification of credentials/skill test will be required to produce this call letter also, failing which they will be disqualified.

  8. For SC/ST only : On production of this admit card you are entitled to travel by Rail in Second Class from your nearest Railway Station (mentioned on the reverse) to the place of written examination and back till the mentioned date. You should produce original caste certificate at the time of reservation/traveling.

  9. Any form of canvassing will disqualify the candidate. The candidate found to be indulging in any malpractice or any unfairmeans in the examination shall be disqualified and debarred from all RRBs.

  10. The candidate is not allowed to leave the examination hall before expiry of the time and without handing over the answer sheets in duplicate and question booklet to the invigilator concerned.

  11. Do not bring any books, notes, mobile phone, pager, calculators etc. in the examination hall. Possession of any such gadget will result in disqualification. Mobile Phone will be ceased if found in the examination hall.

  12. There shall be negative marking for wrong Answer at the rate of one third of allotted marks for each Question.

  13. The Candidates are advised to put their signature at the time of examination exactly in the same way as signed in the Application form. Any variation in signature at any stage of recruitment will render his candidature liable for cancellation. Candidates should copy a paragraph in their own running hand writing in English & Hindi in the Answer Booklet and also give their thumb impressions in the attendance and OMR sheet. Candidates not copy the paragraph or not giving clear thumb impression or signature will be disqualified.

  14. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that his/her left thumb impression on attendance sheet & OMR is clear and complete. Smudged/Unclear thumb impression will lead to disqualification of candidate.

  15. Candidates must check their call letter thoroughly in regard to Name, Photograph, caste, category, free travel authority (for SC/ST only) etc. Any discrepancy should be get rectified from RRB atleast within two days prior to the date of examination.